Singapore-based financial blog that aims to educate people on personal finance, investments, retirement and their Central Provident Fund (CPF) matters.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

The Best Month To Invest In STI Is...

We are using the SPDR STI ETF (ES3.SI) as a benchmark for STI. Data Return = (closing price - opening price) / opening price Source: Yahoo Finance! Return = (closing price - opening price + dividend paid) / opening price Source: Yahoo Finance! Recommended Read: CPF Account Effective...

Monday, 25 May 2020

CPF Account Effective Interest Rates

Is it always good to have a lot of money in your CPF? Maybe, maybe not! As the amount of money in your CPF account increases, the amount of interest you get from CPF increases. However, the effective interest rates you are getting from CPF also decreases. What is Effective Interest Rates? Effective...

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Why I Will Not Invest In Companies Like SMRT

Source: Wikimedia Why We Chose SMRT For Analysis? It is delisted, so this can't and won't be a stock recommendation, but just an analysis of the business. But, this is just an example. Take note more of the characteristics listed instead of the company itself. SMRT FY2019 Results SMRT has been...

Monday, 18 May 2020

Why You Should Hate Whole Life Insurance

The main reason why you should hate whole life insurance is that IT IS EXPENSIVE. And we are going into detail in this article, just how expensive it is to buy a whole life insurance plan compared to a term life insurance plan. For a start, let's compare the real cost of whole life and term life...

Thursday, 14 May 2020

What Happens After I Join A CPF LIFE Plan?

Source: CPF What happens after I join CPF LIFE? Members will choose their CPF LIFE plan when they wish to start receiving their payouts between the age of 65 to 70. They can choose between 3 plans listed above. What Happens If I Chose The CPF LIFE Standard Plan? Members who chose the...

Monday, 11 May 2020

Can I Change My CPF LIFE Plan?

Source: CPF  There are 3 CPF LIFE Plans: Standard Plan, Basic Plan, and Escalating Plan. If you picked one of the plans (eg; Standard Plan), can you change to another plan in the future, say to Escalating Plan? Yes, yes you can. But you can only make a change to your CPF LIFE plan...

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Save in CPF or Invest in DBS?

This is part of our new series where we compare CPF against other financial assets. Today, we are comparing CPF SA against DBS Bank (D05.SI) because one of our readers requested for it. If there are other assets you would like us to compare against next, let us know in the comments below. CPF...

Monday, 4 May 2020

Death Rate for COVID-19 Could Be Higher Than The Reported Number

In March, newspapers were reporting that the global death rate for COVID-19 is about 2%. Today, as of current 3rd May 2020 at 9 pm, that figure has risen to 7.0%. Although most people still seem to be stuck with the notion that death rates below 10% are not a concern. We are going to explain why...