Singapore-based financial blog that aims to educate people on personal finance, investments, retirement and their Central Provident Fund (CPF) matters.

Saturday, 22 August 2020

The CPF Withdrawal Age & CPF Payout Eligibility Age

There are 2 age-numbers about CPF that you should know about.They are the CPF Withdrawal Age, and the CPF Payout Eligibility Age.Recommended Read: Should I Top Up My Young Next-Of-Kin's CPF?What is the CPF Withdrawal Age?Singapore's CPF Withdrawal Age is currently set at 55.This is the...

Friday, 14 August 2020

Should I Top Up My Young Next-Of-Kin's CPF?

Young next-of-kin refers to family members that are below the age of 55.We'll do the 'next-of-kin above age 55' next time.So subscribe to us if you want to be notified when the next article is out 😉.Who Qualifies As Next-Of-Kin?SpouseSiblingsParentsParents-in-lawGrandparentsGrandparents-in-lawRecommended...

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Cannot Withdraw CPF Money If Never Hit CPF Retirement Sum?

Today, we would like to share with you an important issue we believe every Singaporean faces: What happens if I cannot hit my CPF Retirement Sum? Answer: NOTHING HAPPENS!Recommended Read: Answering the 2 Common CPF "Complaints"Seriously, Nothing Do not worry. If you do not hit the...

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Why I Still Own Big Tech

Quite a few of my friends have been asking me what I was invested in recently. When I mentioned that I was invested in Big Tech, they were a little stun for 2 reasons. 1. Why would anyone stay invested in the current market? 2. Why would anyone want to invest in Big Tech now? Decided to pen down...