Singapore-based financial blog that aims to educate people on personal finance, investments, retirement and their Central Provident Fund (CPF) matters.

Thursday, 13 July 2023

[Credit Card] Earn Miles Cheap With CitiBank

Citibank launched a Citi PayAll promotion in April 2023.For every dollar spent via Citi PayAll from 20 April 2023 to 20 August 2023, customers who pay a fee will enable the amount spent to be eligible to earn miles/points + bonus miles/points.What is Citi PayAll?Citi PayAll is a service offered by Citibank...

Thursday, 29 June 2023

[Credit Card] How Much Are Air Miles Worth?

Could not find an article online about how much air miles are worth, so I decided to write one myself.First things first: Air Miles or Cashback?This is the thing that has split the internet since the dawn of credit card rewards.Both sides will have their fair share of arguments to support their...

Monday, 5 June 2023

[CPF] Why is CPF Ordinary Account Interest Not Rising?

On 29th May 2023, CPF Board announced that they will increase the interest rate on Special Account (SA) and Medisave Account (MA) to 4.01% for July-September 2023.The CPF Ordinary Account (OA) and Retirement Account (RA) interest rates will remain at 2.5% and 4% respectively.With interest...

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

[Profit] +17% Gain On The Icahn-Hindenburg Trade

I made a trade 3 weeks back when Hindenburg Research published a paper accusing the legendary activist investor, Carl Icahn, of running a Ponzi scheme with his listed investment vehicle; Icahn Enterprise L.P.  (IEP).Background StoryOn 2nd May 2023, Hindenburg Research published a paper online accusing...

Saturday, 6 May 2023

供房贷:使用 CPF 还是用现金?

 “我应该用 CPF 还是现金支付我每月的房贷?”这可能是要买房的人们经常考虑的问题。您应该选择哪个?让我们来看看吧!Recommended Read: ChatGPT Says No to NCMP Land Sales情境一:用现金支付房贷,把 CPF 里的钱留在 CPF 赚利息这是最不常见新加坡人用来支房贷的方式。当您将您的资金保留在 CPF OA 里,您可以赚取 CPF OA 的利息(2.5% + 1%)。使用现金支付房贷款也不会产生 accrued interest。但用此方式付房贷,您的流动现金会减少。因此不建议大多数人这样做,除非您有相当大的一笔现金或收入来维持您的每月房贷。我所认识的那些人会这样做的人,有足够的现金/工资支付他们每月的房贷,故意保留他们的钱在...

Sunday, 5 March 2023

ChatGPT says 'No' to NCMP Land Sales Proposal

In the recent budget debate, NCMP Hazel Poa proposed an alternative source of revenue to be added to Singapore's yearly budget.Current Framework (CF):Keep proceeds from land sales in reserves and invest them.Allow up to 50% of investment returns generated from the proceeds to be spent in the budget...

Thursday, 2 March 2023