Singapore-based financial blog that aims to educate people on personal finance, investments, retirement and their Central Provident Fund (CPF) matters.

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

[Profit] +17% Gain On The Icahn-Hindenburg Trade

I made a trade 3 weeks back when Hindenburg Research published a paper accusing the legendary activist investor, Carl Icahn, of running a Ponzi scheme with his listed investment vehicle; Icahn Enterprise L.P.  (IEP).Background StoryOn 2nd May 2023, Hindenburg Research published a paper online accusing...

Saturday, 6 May 2023

供房贷:使用 CPF 还是用现金?

 “我应该用 CPF 还是现金支付我每月的房贷?”这可能是要买房的人们经常考虑的问题。您应该选择哪个?让我们来看看吧!Recommended Read: ChatGPT Says No to NCMP Land Sales情境一:用现金支付房贷,把 CPF 里的钱留在 CPF 赚利息这是最不常见新加坡人用来支房贷的方式。当您将您的资金保留在 CPF OA 里,您可以赚取 CPF OA 的利息(2.5% + 1%)。使用现金支付房贷款也不会产生 accrued interest。但用此方式付房贷,您的流动现金会减少。因此不建议大多数人这样做,除非您有相当大的一笔现金或收入来维持您的每月房贷。我所认识的那些人会这样做的人,有足够的现金/工资支付他们每月的房贷,故意保留他们的钱在...