Singapore-based financial blog that aims to educate people on personal finance, investments, retirement and their Central Provident Fund (CPF) matters.

Sunday, 31 May 2015

3 Common Questions for CPF HPS

As promised in our previous blog post, here are the answers to 3 common questions that people have on the CPF Home Protection Scheme (HPS). MORE LINKS CPF Voluntary Contribution Rates What to Own during Rate Hikes? Fine Print of CPF Money Withdrawal 5 Financial Things to do in your 20s Singapore Finance Minister on Personal Finance Part 2 Repaying CPF Accrued Interest - Why? Reducing CPF Housing...

Friday, 29 May 2015

CPF: Home Protection Scheme: What does it provide?

Today's post will be regarding the CPF Home Protection Scheme (HPS). This is part of our "CPF Housing-Related" posts. In the rare occurrence of a blue moon, some of you may have realised that after reading your CPF account statements, money in your CPF OA is deducted under an entry denominated as 'HPS'. So what is this scheme that is slowly and quietly siphoning cash from your retirement nest for...

Monday, 25 May 2015

CPF Housing Interest

For an updated version, refer to the article HERE. Today's topic will be on the Interest you pay to CPF on your housing loan. This topic is asked by 2 of our readers. We got an email asking us to talk in detail the 3rd point (am I paying double interest to CPF?) in this post of ours: LINK. We also got another reader who asked us to post about using CPF to pay for our housing loan. We would like...

Saturday, 23 May 2015

CPF Minimum Sum: 4 Insurances in 1

For an updated version, refer to the article HERE. Today's post will be on how CPF is actually 4 insurance in one. Our apologies that we have not been posting for the past few days. We have been busy with some of our personal matters and thus were unable to blog daily. I was working on a post on CPF Minimum Sum Scheme when a sudden thought came into my mind. The CPF and subsequently the CPF...

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Reaching Retirement is Tough

For an updated version, refer to the article HERE. Reaching your retirement tough, especially with inflation, low-interest rates and longevity. The amount that we are saving might not be sufficient for us to retire at the age we feel we should be retiring. Assuming you make the income as per below. Assuming you save 20% of your monthly income, and there is no inflation. Age Monthly Income Annual...

Monday, 18 May 2015

The Automatic Customer

Today I will be sharing a book that I recently read. I think that this is a really good book that is worth sharing to our readers, even though it does not belong to any of our blog category. This book is more of a "business start-up" book than a "investment/personal finance" book. Personally, I don't...

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Retirement Sum Top Up Versus Voluntary Contribution

For an updated version, refer to the article HERE. Today's topic will be a more complex one because it covers 2 CPF schemes. These 2 CPF schemes are complex because there wasn't enough information on the CPF website that allowed me (or us) to understand it fully. In fact, I must thank one of our readers - la Papillion, for pointing out that there are 2 different schemes for CPF top-up,...

CPF Voluntary Contribution Rates

Today's post will be on CPF Voluntary Contribution Rates. This post is written to complement our 2 other posts:         CPF Interest VS Fixed Deposit         Retirement Sum Top Up VS Voluntary Contribution When you voluntarily contribute money into your CPF via the Voluntary Contribution Scheme, your money goes into your OA, SA...

Friday, 15 May 2015

Earning more Interest with my CPF Ordinary Account

For an updated version, refer to the article HERE. Today's TIP will be on: Earning more Interest with my CPF Ordinary Account (OA). This tip is proposed by one of our readers, who asked the question: is it wise to transfer my money in OA into SA? We would like to thank all our readers who posed us questions and sent to us tips. We would love to see more of that coming in, so do feel free to keep...

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Repay the Accrued Interest from my CPF Home Loan?

For an updated version, refer to the article HERE. Today's post is an answer to the question: Why do I have to return them into my CPF the accrued interest I would have gotten from my CPF home loan? This question is posted by one of our readers. We would like to thank him/her for reading and interacting with us by posting a question for us to answer. MORE LINKS Accrued Interest More than Housing...

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

How much can I invest in ETF using my CPF Monies

For an updated version, refer to the article HERE. Today's post will be on: how much can I invest in ETFs using CPF monies. This question is posted by one of our readers. We would like to thank him/her for reading and interacting with us by posting a question for us to answer. 1) What is an ETF? An...