Singapore-based financial blog that aims to educate people on personal finance, investments, retirement and their Central Provident Fund (CPF) matters.

Monday, 31 October 2016

Invest & Prosper 2017

Invest and Prosper 2017  by ShareInvestors Join us and listen from industry experts on their take about the investment environment for year 2017! The panel of speakers includes: Terence Tan - Chief Investment Strategist of Giants Learning Technologies Song Seng Wun -...

Saturday, 29 October 2016

What to Invest Going into 2017?

As we come near to the end of 2016, we should start questioning our investment strategy for next year. Some of the questions you should be thinking about are below: 1) What to invest in ahead of the US election on November 8? 2) How to position my portfolio for the US election and post-US election? 3)...

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Are you Over-Insured by $46,000?!

Yup, you read it correctly - You might be over-insured by $46,000! Most Singaporeans with CPF are automatically enrolled under the Dependents Protection Scheme (DPS). Visit your CPF account online to check if you are currently over-insured by $46,000! You can reduce your coverage if you are. Recommended...

Sunday, 9 October 2016

What is the Correct Retirement Mentality?

There has been a retirement debate going on on Straits Times' Forum Page. The thread was started by one of our writers. The first article can be found HERE. There were feedbacks from the general public. We have attached the articles regarding the different views HERE. We would like to post a reply...