Singapore-based financial blog that aims to educate people on personal finance, investments, retirement and their Central Provident Fund (CPF) matters.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

What type of mortgages are people getting?

2017 has been a rather bullish year for Singapore’s residential property market, with a healthy number of transactions over the past few months. As the number of transactions increases so does the number of mortgages. As such, if you wonder what kind of mortgages are people securing in this...

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Monday, 11 September 2017

SGX Bull Charge Charity Run 2017

Join us at this year's annual SGX Bull Charge 2017. It is an annual Charity Run hosted by SGX to rally the financial community as well  as the SGX listed companies to come together and contribute back to the society Contributions from these organisations enable beneficiaries like the Community...

Thursday, 7 September 2017

How CPF Saves You 5 Insurance Plans

Have you ever thought about CPF as more than just a scheme to lock Singaporeans' money? There could be a lot more to it if you dig deeper - like really deeper. There is a reason why most financial advisors actually advise you to keep your money with CPF. Not because CPF pays them, but because CPF...

Friday, 18 August 2017

Save with CPF or Save with Fixed Deposits?

This post will contain a tip on how to increase your CPF returns, namely in the form of interest.One way to earn more interest from CPF is to transfer your extra money, into your CPF Special Account.The choice between CPF or Fixed Deposits is determined by how much flexibility you want. The...

Thursday, 6 July 2017

So many styles but which style?!

As times change, the markets change together with it as well. This is due to the forces that shape human behavior have changed and influences how people interact in the markets. From fundamental analysis to technical analysis, to leveraged trading such as contra trading, to computerised trading...

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

What you are missing out that the institutional investors are doing

19:37 No comments
As retail investors, we often perceive ourselves or by others as inferior investors that are incapable of obtaining superior returns as compared to institutional investors. This is partly due to the pre-conception that institutional investors are more sophisticated and knowledgeable where they can utilise...

Friday, 9 June 2017

If Li Ka Shing was 20+ years old now, he would....

There was an article in the past that went viral. It talked about the advice given to young people by Hong Kong's richest man - Li Ka Shing. In the article, he talked about splitting our pay into 5 parts, each for a different purpose Recommended Post: Yes! CPF takes 20% of your salary,...

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Singapore embraces Gender Diversity, but her Home Companies seems not...

How many female directors are there in Singapore's top 10 public companies? While the number of female directors around the world is increasing, is the number of female board of directors in Singapore increasing? Recommended Post: Yes! CPF takes 20% of your salary, BUT... As we embrace gender diversity, should we start pushing for more female directors on our public companies' boards? Especially...

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Friday, 14 April 2017

Hu Li Yang Gravity Line Investment Strategy

Hu Li Yang 30 Stock Investing Strategies 胡立阳投资股票三十招 What is a Gravity Line? 什么是地心引力线? A stock's Gravity Line is the average between its 30-day moving average and 72-day moving average. Gravity Line = (30-day SMA + 72-day SMA)/2 Why this weird number? I have no idea, it was mentioned...

Monday, 10 April 2017

Why is it call a Bull Market and a Bear Market?

Ever wondered why is a dropping market call a bear market and why is a rising market call a bull market? There is no 100% confirmed story, but the one we present below is one that has been highly circulated over the years. Apparently, it has something to do with the bears and bulls attack their prey. Think...

Monday, 3 April 2017

Active or Passive Way of Investing?

Active Investing versus Passive Investing This is the battle that is happening on Wall Street since 1975 when John C. Bogle started the first fund company, The Vanguard Group, in the United States (US) offering to mom-and-pop investors low-cost index funds that aim to mimic the US index returns and...

Friday, 24 March 2017

Yes! There is interest on your CPF Housing Grant, BUT...

No, this is not another pro-government blog post. Neither is this another anti-government post. This is purely a post to make sense of the article posted by The Online Citizen. The Online Citizen recently published a post called 6 things you weren't told about the CPF housing grant. We thought that...