Singapore-based financial blog that aims to educate people on personal finance, investments, retirement and their Central Provident Fund (CPF) matters.

Friday, 31 July 2015

Basic Retirement Sum (BRS) for CPF

For an updated version, refer to the article HERE. Today's post: Basic Retirement Sum It is one of the 3 types of Retirement Sum launched by CPF. It is currently set at half the prevailing CPF Full Retirement Sum (FRS) Why would someone wish to pledge their house in exchange for a "large" sum of money? This post will answer that question. For more information on the different types of Retirement...

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

FRS, BRS, ERS Amount

Today's post: The Retirement Sum Amount. In our previous posts (link HERE ) we talked about the difference between the 3 Retirement Sums, namely the Full Retirement Sum (FRS), Basic Retirement Sum (BRS) and Enhanced Retirement Sum (ERS). In this post, we are showing the figures for the 3 different...

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Singapore GE effect on STI

If you had been reading the recent Singapore news, you must have realised that a big political event is about to happen: the next General Election. While I am not entirely into the politics, I feel that it does have an impact on the local economy and performance of the market. I went to take a further...

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

3 CPF Retirement Sum

Today, we will be sharing a short summary of the 3 types of CPF Retirement Sum available. To know more about what is the Retirement Sum for, read up on it HERE Full Retirement Sum (FRS) This is the minimum sum that most Singaporeans are familiar with. It is the amount of money that you hope/should have in your Retirement Account (RA) when you reach age 55. If your birthday falls Before 1st July...

Monday, 20 July 2015

CPF Investment Forum

CPF is hosting a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to seek feedback from the public regarding Alternative Investment Choices. There are 2 dates available for this event: To Register and Participate in the Forum: However, if you are unable to attend but wish to contribute, you...

Friday, 10 July 2015

Disadvantages of Using Private Annuity instead of CPF LIFE

For an updated version, refer to the article HERE. Today's post: Disadvantages of using Private Annuity Plan instead of CPF LIFE. Although this post title is "Disadvantage", but we included some "Advantage" of Private Annuity against CPF LIFE too below. From what we have found, Private Annuity Plans available in the market tend to supplement CPF LIFE instead of replacing the CPF LIFE. Instead,...

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

My Views on Democracy

Democracy is not where the larger group of people make the rules and dictate directions for everyone. Nor is it many different people voicing different views and the dominating view prevailing. Democracy shouldn't be like your Prom Queen; who is usually not the most pretty person who wins, but the most popular (and usually the one with the most friends). And yes, if you think I'm judgmental, you're...