Singapore-based financial blog that aims to educate people on personal finance, investments, retirement and their Central Provident Fund (CPF) matters.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

4 Things to Do at CPF Retirement Planning Roadshow

CPF is holding their 'CPF Retirement Planning Roadshow' this weekend (Sat & Sun) at Suntec West Atrium! There are interesting booths, this time, around at the event. Recommended Post: 6 Singapore Public Transport Tips 1) Virtual Reality Booth Find out your retirement personality at...

Friday, 19 August 2016

New Movie Streaming App in Town!

There is a new movie streaming app in town! Its name is Catchplay! Features: 1) It is a movie streaming service! (No, you do not get dramas or TV series) 2) There are 2 options - unlimited streaming or 1-time rental, more on it below. 3) Don't want to pay for movies? You can sign up with CatchPlay...

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

6 Singapore Public Transport Tips

We have some tips for people taking Singapore's public transport every day! These tips (or hacks) are what we know of and use, but I am sure it is not all available. Do share with us if you have more tips so that we can help one another travel more efficiently. 1) Keep your Travel Transfer within...

Monday, 8 August 2016

You Will Never Be Able To Retire

You won't be able to retire. There I've said it. If the word “retirement” conjure up visions of white sandy beaches, lots of travel, long sips of Pina Coladas and reading all the novels you’ve never had the time to because you’re so busy working to (ironically) save for retirement - it’s not...

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Singapore University Graduates Salary Statistics 2016

This year, Computing graduates are among those with the biggest increase in starting salaries.  NUS and NTU computing degrees are new entrants to the top 10 rankings, as can be seen in the infographic.  With Singapore rolling out the initiative of Smart Nation, we expect an even steeper increase...